Our Story

Jolene Monaco, CPO®

Founder, Space Consultant
Certified Professional Organizer®

Professional Member - NAPO & NAPO - DFW CHAPTER - Current

NAPO - DFW Board Member - 2018 - 2020

Affiliate Member - Metrotex Association of Realtors - Current

Move Management & Staging Specialist

Animal Lover & Rescuer

I like to say that working as a Professional Organizer is my third life.

After spending 28 years doing international sales in jet engine maintenance, I decided it was time for a change. I made the brilliant decision to go into residential real estate during the Great Recession (insert sarcasm here).

I spent a lot of time decluttering, organizing, and staging my clients’ homes. In many cases, I was someone’s second or third agent. I would tell them “if you don’t get this place together, you’re just helping the other 12 houses on the street sell.”

It worked out so well, that many of them said “It’s never looked so good. Now I hate to sell!” I found out like really loved the way organizing and productivity coaching transformed people’s lives.

So here I am, in my third and best life - bringing calm, peace, and beauty into my clients’ homes.

Please reach out if you would like organizing support in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro area. I am here to help!